- 1Category:
- Mirroring of pylons now works. I fixed the issue with it taking a long time to come to a stop when you do a rolling landing. Ive added a variant named F-35B with doubled IR, active radar, and passive radar sensor ranges, and doubled weapon ranges for the ARM missiles and A2A missiles, now it just.
- Dear BSG Devs, I know some of you will find this suggestion goofy, but i'd like this game to have a 'Virtual Arsenal' mode (exactly like in ARMA3). Virtual Arsenal basically is a character, equipment, and weapon viewer where I can try all of the weapons, ammo, gears, optics, armors, etc.
- The virtual arsenal will always show a weapon or equipment a player currently has on his character. In addition a player can load a loadout they previously saved that may have weapons and equipment you do not want them to have.
- Play Radio Message - Zeus
ACE Arsenal has a pretty large number of improvements over BI Virtual Arsenal, here is a non exhaustive list: The ability to select the magazine loaded into your primary / secondary / handgun without leaving ACE Arsenal. Search bars for both the left and right panels.
- Bubbles
- Cartridges
- Chem Light
- Close Air Support (CAS) - Zeus
- Fire
- Flare - Zeus
- IR Grenade - Zeus
- Ordnance - Zeus
- Plankton
- Smoke
- Smoke Grenade
- Tracers
- Post-Process - Zeus
- Skip time
- Time acceleration - Zeus
- Weather
- Date
- Generic radio message
- Radio Chat
- Save Game
- Volume
Gameplay Modes
- Defend
- Game Master - Zeus
- Sector Control - Zeus
- Seize
- Support - Helicopters
- Support: Base - Helicopters
Group Modifiers
- Combat Get In
- Set Callsign
- Create Diary Record
- Headquarters Entity
- Set Task Description
- Set Task Destination
- Set Task State
- Animals - Zeus
- Cover Map - Zeus
- Create Radio Channel - Zeus
- Friendly Fire
- High Command - Commander
- High Command - Subordinate
- Live Feed - Effects
- Live Feed - Init
- Live Feed - Set Source
- Live Feed - Set Target
- Live Feed - Terminate
- Military Symbols
- Posters
- Skirmish: Trigger
- Sling Load - Helicopters
- Spawn Ai - Helicopters
- Spawn AI: Options- Helicopters
- Spawn AI: Sector Tactic - Helicopters
- Spawn AI: Spawnpoint - Helicopters
- Trident
- Unlock Area
- Unlock Object
- Zone Restriction
- Respawn Position
- Sector
- Sector (Dummy)
- Vehicle Respawn
Object Modifiers
- Add Rating / Score
- Open / Close Doors
- Set AI Mode
- Set Ammo
- Set Character Damage
- Set Mode
- Set Position / Rotation
- Set Rank
- Set Skill
- Set Vehicle Damage
- Set Vehicle Fuel
- Show / Hide
- Simulation Manager
- Race - Check Point
- Race - Finish
- Race - Lineup
Scenario Flow
- Bleed Tickets
- Countdown
- End Scenario
- Respawn Tickets
- Scenario Name
- Zone Protection
- Animals
- Empty Stie
- Indepenant Site
- Minefield
- OPFOR Site
- Random Patrol
- Custom Image
- Mssion
- Open Strategic Map
- ORBAT Group
- Strategic Map
- Support Provider: Artillery
- Support Provider: Artillery (Virtual)
- Support Provider: CAS (Bombing Run)
- Support Provider: CAS (Bombing Run, Virtual)
- Support Provider: CAS (Helicopter Attack)
- Support Provider: CAS (Helicopter Attack, Virtual)
- Support Provider: Helicopter Transport
- Support Provider: Helicopter Transport (Virtual)
- Support Provider: Supply Drop
- Support Provider: Supply Drop (Virtual)
- Support Requester
- Add Camera Area
- Add Editable Objects
- Add Editing Area
- Add Icon
- Game Master
- Manage Addons
- Manage Resources
- Restrict Editing Around Players
- Set Attributes - Groups
- Set Attributes - Markers
- Set Attributes - Objects
- Set Attributes - Players
- Set Attributes - Waypoints
- Set Camera Position
- Set Costs (Default)
- Set Costs (Side)
- Set Costs - Objects
- Set Costs - Soldiers & Vehicles
- Set Editing Area Type
- Set Editing Costs
- Zeus Lightning Bolt
- 1Using
- 1.1Export
- 2Modding
- 2.2Virtual Ammo Box
Arsenal is, essentially, a character, equipment and weapon viewer which has been added to Arma 3 in the Bootcamp update.This tool offers an overview of the available content, and enables customized loadouts to be exported to script, which can be used in the editor, other game modes, such as Zeus, and by community scenarios/mods.
You can access it from the main menu by locking on LEARN > VIRTUAL ARSENAL
Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal Init Mod
Export to SQF
Clicking on EXPORT button or pressing Ctrl + C will copy the current loadout to clipboard in SQF format. You can paste it to soldier's init field or use it in a script.
You can take the same code and import it (Ctrl + V) back to Arsenal. Use this to share loadouts with other players.
Example:Show text
Export to CPP
Pressing CTRL + SHIFT + C will export the loadout in config format, which can then be used in CfgRespawnInventory.Example:
Zeus Ammo Box
As Zeus, you can create virtual ammo box where players can endlessly resupply. Instead going through the classic inventory screen, they'll be able to access Arsenal and select any item you'll give them.
- Play a scenario as Zeus
- Place an ammo box (Units > Empty > Other > Ammo > [anything from the list])
- Select an item you want to make available in the Arsenal
- Decrease number of items to 0. Button on the left should change from '-' to '∞'
- Click on the button once more. Number of items should now be infinite
- After confirming, players will be able to access Arsenal through a new action attached to the box.
Zeus Unit Arsenal
Zeus can use Arsenal module to quickly customize gear of any AI soldier. It doesn't work on players, dead units or vehicles.
- Play a scenario as Zeus
- Find a unit you want to customize
- Select Modules > Zeus > Arsenal
- Place the module on top of the unit
- Arsenal interface will be opened. You can either set specific items, or you can load previously saved loadout.
Zeus Respawn Loadouts
Saved loadout can be given to players as respawn loadouts by Zeus. Works only in scenarios with MenuInventory respawn template enabled.
- Save your loadout
- Play a scenario as Zeus
- Place Modules > Respawn > Loadouts
- Select side tab
- Expand Arsenal category
- Select the saved loadout.
- After confirming, players of the given side will be able to respawn with your loadout.
Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal Init Server
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl + Shift + C | Copies current loadout in config format to the clipboard, can be used for CfgRespawnInventory |
Ctrl + C | Exports current loadout in script format |
Ctrl + V | Applies loadout from clipboard to currently viewed unit |
ESC | Leave Arsenal |
Backspace | Test current loadout |
Enter | Start preview |
Ctrl + R | Randomise loadout |
N | Toggle view mode |
Arma 3 Virtual Arsenal Init Build
You can use Arsenal in a scenario you're designing simply by calling the following function:
This version has several limitations as opposed to the Virtual one:
- Voice, Face and Insignia are not available (to avoid clashing with profile)
- Not all assets are automatically present, designer has to whitelist allowed classes. By default, only player's current equipment is available.
To open Arsenal with full options, execute:
Virtual Ammo Box
You can also use Arsenal as virtual inventory, allowing players to get unlimited number of items of given types from an ammo box. Action to access the Arsenal will be added automatically on all clients, you don't need to use addAction to enable it.
Syntax (shared by all mentioned functions):
- box: Object - ammo box on which the action will be added
- allowAll: Boolean - (Optional) true to add all available weapons, magazines, items and backpacks in the box
- condition: Boolean - (Optional, default { true} ) condition for showing the Arsenal action
- Passed arguments are the same as in addAction condition, i.e., _target - the box, _this - caller
Returned value:Nothing
Example (paste it into init field of a box)
To set which specific items should be available, use functions mentioned below.
Syntax (shared by all mentioned functions):
- target: Object or Namespace - ammo box to which classes will be added. When missionNamespace is used, they will be available across all boxes.
- classes: Boolean or Array of Strings - whitelisted classes. Alternatiovely, use true to whitelist everything of the given type
- isGlobal (Optional): Boolean - true to add classes globally (default: false)
- addAction (Optional): Boolean - true to add 'Arsenal' action which players can access the Arsenal (default: true)
Returned value:Array of Arrays: All virtual items within the target's space in format [<items>, <weapons>, <magazines>, <backpacks>]
To add everything, use:
(Note: Only cargo specifically whitelisted can be removed via these commands e.g creating an arsenal container with a whitelist of true (<allowAll>) and then trying to remove 'arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F' will not work)
Syntax (shared by all mentioned functions):
- target: Object or Namespace - ammo box from which classes will be removed.
- classes: Array of Stringss - removed classes
- isGlobal: Boolean - (Optional, default false) true to remove classes globally
Returned value:Array of Arrays: All virtual items within the target's space in format [<items>, <weapons>, <magazines>, <backpacks>]
If an arsenal container has been created by using true as the whitelist (<allowAll>) then a string of '%ALL' (ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) will be inserted into the category array. To remove this kind of whitelist instead use..
Syntax (shared by all mentioned functions):
- target: Object or Namespace
Returned value:Array of Arrays: All virtual items within the target's space in format [<items>, <weapons>, <magazines>, <backpacks>]