Arma 3 How To Use Mine Detector

Video about funny things to do in Arma 3

1. Fly a jet

To install the Revo's Mine Detector you should use modfolders to keep it seperate from the official game content to prevent issues. With Arma 3 you can use different ways to set up your modfolders to use custom content you have downloaded. Arma 3 Field Manual - Weapons Advanced. Having a mine detector in your inventory will automatically locate all explosives in a close range. Units can also spot mines depending on their training, so if you want to bet on luck, you can. When looking for a mine, move slowly and look around you. Note that mines are less likely to be spotted in. ACE3 is a joint effort by the teams behind ACE2, AGM and CSE to improve the realism and authenticity of Arma 3. If you want to contribute something to ACE3, simply fork the GitHub repository and submit your pull requests for review.

Jet flies from distance to close view, slowmo engages when jet is right next to camera, and pilot is looking into camera.
Slowmo exits after few seconds and the jet crashes into solar powerplant tower.

2. Freefall without parachute

Camera inside the blackfish, targeting lone soldier sitting inside.
Soldier jumps out and forgets his parachute.
Watching soldier freefalling for a few seconds, then cut and soldier hits the ground

3. Shoot people

2 soldiers stand facing each other.
Both shoots at the same time killing themselfs.
Cut to next scene:
2 soldiers run into scene from behind a cube in VR and shoots themselfs.
Cut to next scene:
1 soldier shoots randomly, gets three kills.

4. Drive a tank

Tank enters a bug, which will fuck him up into the air

5. Be a rally driver

Multiple shots with hatchback crashing into things (and fuel station)

6. Be a sniper

Sniper laying in the bush tries to kill a soldier, who ignores his hits

7. Use a mortar

Unit enters mortar, starts shooting projectiles, translate camera to enemy unit doing the same.
Both sides explodes.

8. Refuel

Rally crashes into fuel station

9. Shoot down airplanes

Soldier using AA Titan hits a helicopter which falls on his head

10. Provide CAS

Ifrit shoots down the supporting unit as soon as it enters the AO

11. Prepare ambush

Player hides in forest and prepares an ambush by planting explosives on the road.
Enemy convoy stops in front of the explosives, because they saw them.

12. Be sneaky

Sniper moves slowly in the Tanoa forests and is killed by enemy units using FLIR

13. Drive a boat

Arma 3 How To Play

And the boat makes contact with a mine

14. Use a drone

View from quadcopter entering AO, being shot down by enemy.

15. Slingshot

Helicopter picking up a box, then thanks to physics, being destroyed by it.

16. Move across horizont

Peacefully running soldier on the horizont gets tortured by HMG fire.

17. Use a handgun

Pistol wearing soldier tries to kill a man with rifle, he fails

18. Use a rifle

Rifle wearing soldier tries to kill a man with launcher, he fails

19. Use a launcher

Soldier tries to use launcher and is killed by a tank

20. Swim

The boat kills the swimming man.

21. Throw grenades

They bounce back at the thrower.

22. Walk through a minefield

Soldier picks up mine detector, runs into the minefield.

23. Plant explosives

Soldier plants explosives and sprinting man sets them off killing the planter too.

24. Guard

Soldier stands on tower.
Soldier is killed by sniper.

25. Provide covering fire

Team starts to run somewhere, soldier covers them with fire, he runs out of ammo and the team gets annihilated.

26. Perform autorotation

Fail it horribly


27. Parachute jump

And land into the forest

Arma 3 How To Use Mine Detector

28. Hunt animals

Arma 3 Ace How To Use Mine Detector

Soldiers shoots snakes which are resistant to gunshots.

29. Disrespect zeus

How To Use Mine Detector In Arma 3

Zeus kills soldier by summoning lightning bolt upon him.