Etec Tv Manual

Summary of Contents for Etec 32E40 Page 1 32E40 Ver 2.0 USER’S MANUAL 32” LED TELEVISION For technical support, the ETEC Technical Support Center is available 24-hours a day, 7- days a week for technical assistance or troubleshooting. To contact us by phone, please call 1-800-936-1168. Page 2: Important Safety Instructions. offers ETEC operating manuals for sale online including operating manuals for TV/VCR Combo, TV, DVD Player and many more.

Evinrude E-TEC outboard repair manual refers to a ETEC marine outboard motor book used to fix, mend or overhaul the machine back to working order. Often termed E-TEC outboard service manual, shop manual or workshop manual, the handbook provides step-by-step service procedures, such as periodic routine inspection and maintenance, component repair, troubleshooting and product specification.

Do you need a E-TEC outboard repair manual?

At some point a Evinrude E-TEC outboard part will become damaged or broken and need repair. A ETEC manual is an instruction book that guides the users on how to fix that part. It shows you how to remove the part, disassemble it and put it back together. By the way, you can go here download an Evinrude E-TEC repair manual.
A Evinrude E-TEC repair manual covers every aspect of repair. Whether restoring an old boat motor or overhauling it, a repair manual covers it all. A E-TEC manual is imperative for those who need to take apart an engine in order to examine it and repair it if necessary, especially helpful for motor that have a lot of hours of operation.

A E-TEC repair manual can save you money.

A repair manual can save you big bucks. A E-TEC manual contains a periodic routine inspection and maintenance chapter. The maintenance and inspection section of the book is provided to the user so as to prevent future damage and extend the life of the motor.
Outboard maintenance is the process of maintaining the motor so as to keep it in good condition. Combined with routine inspection and careful examination of the boat motor’s parts, it helps the mechanic identify areas of the motor that might need upkeep. All E-TEC outboard manuals contain a maintenance guide that outlines which parts need inspection or routine maintenance based on the number of hours of operation.

What topics are covered in a repair manual?

As previously mentioned, Evinrude E-TEC repair manuals cover every aspect of repair and maintenance. As well as other details, such as troubleshooting, general information, theory of operation, safety and more. Here is a common list of chapters found in a E-TEC outbaord repair manual:
  • General Information
  • Maintenance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Electrical
  • Fuel Systems
  • Powerhead
  • Mid-Section
  • Lower Unit
  • Attachments/Controls and Linkage
Main chapters are further divided into sub-sections that detail part removal, disassembly, cleaning, inspection, reassembly, installation and component testing when applicable.

Why should I download a repair manual?

There are several important reasons to download a repair manual. First, often when a motor is experiencing an operational problem, it can be easily fixed. It doesn’t matter if a user lacks experience in outboard marine repair because the troubleshooting guide can help identify the problem without difficulty—which can save you big money.
Second, every boat owner should own a repair manual simply for its periodic maintenance and inspection chapter. An E-TEC outboard motor can last decades if maintained the way it should be, but a new Evinrude outboard can cost many thousands of dollars. So it makes sense to download a repair manual so as to learn what it takes to properly maintain the motor and prevent unnecessary and costly repairs.
Third, some parts of an outboard are easily repairable and do not require a factory technician to do the repair work. Most parts on an outboard motor require a simple or basic tool kit to perform service and repairs properly. With that said, critical specifications are listed in the repair manual that you must be aware of in order to repair the motor correctly.


It would be foolish to own a Evinrude outboard motor without owning a repair manual. In fact, you can download a repair manual to a smart phone, tablet or laptop so as to have it with you when your out on the water. You can even download a repair manual and printout the book in its entirety. It will save you money and prevent a lot of headaches.

Evinrude E-Tec Repair Manuals Available:

2007 E-Tec Evinrude 40 HP, 50 HP, 60 HP, 75 HP, 90 HP, 115 HP, 150 HP, 175 HP, 200 HP, 225 HP, 250 HP.
2008 E-Tech Evinrude 40HP, 50HP, 60HP, 65HP, 75HP, 90HP, 115HP, 150HP, 175HP 200HP, 225HP, 250HP.
2009 E-Tec Evinrude 25 HP, 30 HP, 40HP 50HP 60HP 65HP 75HP 90HP 115HP 150HP 175HP 200HP 225HP 250HP.
2010 E-Tec Evinrude 15 HP 25 HP 30 HP 40 HP 50 HP 60 HP 75 HP 90 HP 115 HP 150 HP 175 HP 200 HP 225 HP 250 HP.
2011 E-Tec Evinrude 15HP 25HP 30HP 40HP 50HP 60HP 75HP 90HP 115HP 130HP 150HP 175HP 200HP.
2012 E-Tech Evinrude 15 25 30 40 40 60 65 75 90 115 130 150 175 200 224 250 275 300 Horsepower Engines
2013 E-Tec Evinrude 15HP 25HP 30HP 40HP 50HP 60HP 65HP 75HP 90HP 115HP 130HP 150HP 175HP 200HP 225HP 250HP 275HP 300HP.

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